Here is a list of our sponsors. Big thanks to all of them for supporting LAM.
You want to support us? Join the sponsor program at GitHub.
20.10.2017 | De Bortoli Wines, Australia provides a donation to support LAM's future development. | |
07.06.2017 | Lars Althof spent code to manage the Courier extension for users and mail aliases | |
15.12.2016 | De Bortoli Wines, Australia provides a donation to support LAM's future development. | |
27.11.2015 | Ranko Premec from Porsche Informatik spent code to support NIS netgroup management on host entries. | |
30.06.2015 | Porsche Informatik sponsored the management of NIS netgroup memberships on user accounts and auto-sync of group members in rfc2307bis schema. | |
18.12.2013 | University of Hawaii sponsored the support for PyKota and Bind DLZ. | |
06.01.2013 | Porsche Informatik sponsored the development of additional account list filters and hiding account types. | |
12.10.2012 | Unister spent the code to split user profiles and PDF structures by server profile. | |
29.05.2012 | Mobotix sponsored the quick account (un)locking feature. | |
04.08.2011 | Jorg donated the authorized services module. | |
30.06.2011 | De Bortoli Wines, Australia provides a donation to support LAM development. | |
14.11.2010 | Pavel Pozdnyak spent code to create/delete IMAP mailboxes. | |
2010 - 2011 | The usability experts Pascal Geronimi and Roland Studer helped to improve LAM's usability and look'n'feel. | |
28.03.2010 | Pavel Pozdnyak spent code to support Asterisk voicemail. | |
11.11.2009 | Pavel Pozdnyak spent code to support Asterisk accounts. | |
08.04.2009 | Cablecom sponsored the support for NIS netgroups. | |
29.09.2008 | Siedl networks GmbH spent code to support DHCP management. | |
01.09.2007 | BR Link sponsors LAM demo installations. | |
22.02.2007 | Siedl networks GmbH spent code to support multiple servers for lamdaemon. | |
16.06.2005 | Geo-IT spent us some money for supporting Kolab accounts. | |
28.03.2005: | Zend supports us with licenses for Zend Studio Professional |