LAM (Pro)
You can test LAM (Pro) here before installing it. The development installation allows to preview features of the next release. This installation is updated daily.
The password to login is "lam".
Current stable release of LAM Pro
Development installation (unstable)
Server profiles:
- lam: Unix, Samba, Kolab, Asterisk, DHCP, password policies, ...
- GoN: group of names
- minimalMode: maximum reduced interface by hiding all tools, tree view and user list
- pwdChange-only: access level restricted to password changes
- read-only: access level restricted to read-only access
- sudo_nis: sudo roles, NIS netgroups+objects and automount entries
- zarafa: Zarafa users, groups, servers, address lists and dynamic groups
- bind: Bind DLZ DNS entries
LAM Pro self service
You can create some test users in the LAM admin interface (links above) and then edit them via the following self service profile: Self service
Use the Unix login name and password of your newly created accounts to login.