Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- ServerProfilePersistenceStrategy
- Interface to store server profiles.
- ImageManipulator
- Modifies images.
- ImporterTask
- A single import task.
- AccountStatusProvider
- Provides module information about the status of an LDAP account.
- SelfServicePersistenceStrategy
- Interface for self service profile persistence.
- SelfServiceLoginHandler
- Login handler for self service
- BaseProvider
- Base class for 2-factor authentication providers.
- PrivacyIDEAProvider
- Provider for privacyIDEA.
- YubicoProvider
- Authentication via YubiKeys.
- DuoProvider
- Provider for DUO.
- OktaProvider
- Provider for Okta.
- OpenIdProvider
- Provider for OpenId.
- WebauthnProvider
- Provider for Webauthn.
- TwoFactorProviderService
- Returns the correct 2 factor provider.
- TwoFactorConfiguration
- Configuration settings for 2-factor authentication.
- ServerProfilePersistenceManager
- Manages the persistence of server profiles.
- ServerProfilePersistenceStrategyFiles
- Uses local file system to store server profiles.
- ServerProfilePersistenceStrategyPdo
- Stores server profiles in a database.
- ConfigurationPageTab
- List of tabs.
- ImageManipulationFactory
- Factory to create modificators for images.
- ImageManipulatorImagick
- Manipulates images using Imagick library.
- ImageManipulatorGd
- Manipulates images using gd library.
- AddEntryTask
- Adds a complete LDAP entry.
- RenameEntryTask
- Renames an LDAP entry.
- DeleteEntryTask
- Deletes an LDAP entry.
- MultiTask
- Combines multiple import tasks.
- AddAttributesTask
- Adds attributes to an existing LDAP entry.
- DeleteAttributesTask
- Deletes attributes from an existing LDAP entry.
- ReplaceAttributesTask
- Replaces attributes in an existing LDAP entry.
- PasswordQuickChangeOption
- Option for the password quick change page.
- AccountStatus
- Provides the complete information about the status of an LDAP account.
- AccountStatusDetails
- ScopeAndModuleValidation
- Validation of scope and module names.
- PDFStructureReader
- Reads a PDF structure.
- PDFStructureWriter
- Writes PDF structures to files.
- PDFStructure
- PDF structure
- PDFTextSection
- Section for static text.
- PDFEntrySection
- PDF section that contains LDAP data entries.
- PDFSectionEntry
- Single PDF entry.
- ConfigDataExporter
- Exporter for LAM's configuration data.
- ConfigDataImporter
- Importer for LAM's configuration data.
- ImporterStep
- Step of the import process.
- UserPasswordExtraInvalidCredentialsProvider
- Extra message for invalid credentials for PPolicy.
- Remote
- Runs remote commands.
- RemoteServerConfiguration
- Server configuration.
- SelfServicePersistence
- Manages reading and writing self service profiles.
- SelfServicePersistenceStrategyFileSystem
- Uses local file system for storing self service profiles.
- SelfServicePersistenceStrategyPdo
- Uses PDO for storing self service profiles.
- SelfServiceLdapConnection
- LDAP connection for self service.
- SelfServiceUserPasswordLoginHandler
- Performs login with user and password.
- SelfServiceHttpAuthLoginHandler
- Performs login with HTTP authentication.
- SelfService2FaLoginHandler
- Performs login with pure 2FA.
- Ajax
- Manages all AJAX requests.
- CronRunner
- Executes cron jobs.
Table of Contents
- ADD = 'add'
- DEL = 'del'
- Use as server profile name to manage global templates.
- font size
- font size for bigger text
- width of a label
- line height
- line width
- MOD = 'mod'
- STAGE_ACTIONS_CALCULATED = 'actionsCalculated'
- STAGE_FINISHED = 'finished'
- STAGE_READ_FINISHED = 'readFinished'
- STAGE_START = 'start'
- STAGE_WRITING = 'writing'
- printHeader() : void
- isValidConfigurationPassword() : bool
- Checks if the configuration password is secure.
- setSSLCaCert() : mixed
- Sets the environment variables for custom SSL CA certificates.
- setlanguage() : mixed
- Sets language settings for automatic translation
- checkChmod() : mixed
- Checks whether a specific flag in the rights string is set.
- LAMVersion() : string
- Returns the version number of this LAM installation.
- extractConfigOptionsFromPOST() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Extracts config options from HTTP POST data.
- metaRefresh() : mixed
- Prints a meta refresh page
- isAccountTypeHidden() : bool
- Checks if the given account type is hidden.
- getLanguages() : array<string|int, LAMLanguage>
- Returns a list of all supported languages.
- printConfigurationPageHeaderBar() : mixed
- Prints the header bar.
- printConfigurationPageTabs() : mixed
- Prints the tab list.
- getModuleAlias() : string|null
- Returns the alias name of a module
- is_base_module() : bool
- Returns true if the module is a base module
- get_ldap_filter() : string
- Returns the LDAP filter used by the account lists
- getRDNAttributes() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a list of LDAP attributes which can be used to form the RDN.
- getModulesDependencies() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a hash array (module name => dependencies) of all module dependencies
- check_module_depends() : mixed
- Checks if there are missing dependencies between modules.
- check_module_conflicts() : bool
- Checks if there are conflicts between modules
- getAvailableModules() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array with all available user module names
- getAllModules() : array<string|int, baseModule>
- Returns an array with all modules.
- getProfileOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns the elements for the profile page.
- checkProfileOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Checks if the profile options are valid
- getConfigOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a hash array (module name => elements) of all module options for the configuration page.
- checkConfigOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Checks if the configuration options are valid
- getHelp() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a help entry from an account module.
- getAvailablePDFFields() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a list of available PDF entries.
- getUploadColumns() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array containing all input columns for the file upload.
- buildUploadAccounts() : mixed
- This function builds the LDAP accounts for the file upload.
- doUploadPreActions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Runs any actions that need to be done before an LDAP entry is created.
- doUploadPostActions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- This function executes one post upload action.
- getRequiredExtensions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns true if the module is a base module
- parseHtml() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Takes a list of meta-HTML elements and prints the equivalent HTML output.
- lamCompareDescriptiveOptions() : int
- Helper function to sort descriptive options in parseHTML().
- printHelpLink() : mixed
- Prints a LAM help link.
- createModulePDF() : string
- This function creates the PDF output of one or more accounts.
- createPdf() : string
- This function creates the PDF output of one or more accounts using TCPDF.
- getSectionHeadline() : string
- Creates a section headline.
- printLabelValue() : mixed
- Prints a PDFLabelValue entry.
- printTable() : mixed
- Prints a PDFTable entry.
- printImage() : mixed
- Prints an image entry.
- replaceSpecialCharacters() : string
- Replaces special characters that cannot be printed in PDF.
- getPdfFonts() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a list of possible fonts.
- dbTableExists() : bool
- Returns if the given table name exists
- _get_schema_dn() : string
- Helper for _get_raw_schema() which fetches the DN of the schema object in an LDAP server based on a DN. Entries should set the subSchemaSubEntry attribute pointing to the DN of the server schema. You can specify the DN whose subSchemaSubEntry you wish to retrieve of specify an empty string to fetch the subScehamSubEntry from the Root DSE.
- _get_raw_schema() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Fetches the raw schema array for the subschemaSubentry of the server. Note, this function has grown many hairs to accommodate more LDAP servers. It is needfully complicated as it now supports many popular LDAP servers that don't necessarily expose their schema "the right way".
- get_schema_objectclasses() : array<string|int, ObjectClass>
- Gets an associative array of ObjectClass objects for the specified server. Each array entry's key is the name of the objectClass in lower-case and the value is an ObjectClass object.
- get_schema_objectclass() : ObjectClass
- Gets a single ObjectClass object specified by name.
- get_schema_attribute() : AttributeType
- Gets a single AttributeType object specified by name.
- get_schema_attributes() : array<string|int, AttributeType>
- Gets an associative array of AttributeType objects for the specified server. Each array entry's key is the name of the attributeType in lower-case and the value is an AttributeType object.
- add_aliases_to_attrs() : mixed
- For each attribute that has multiple names, this function adds unique entries to the attrs array for those names. Ie, attributeType has name 'gn' and 'givenName'.
- add_sup_to_attrs() : mixed
- Adds inherited values to each attributeType specified by the SUP directive.
- get_schema_matching_rules() : mixed
- Returns an array of MatchingRule objects for the specified server.
- get_schema_syntaxes() : mixed
- Returns an array of Syntax objects that this LDAP server uses mapped to their descriptions. The key of each entry is the OID of the Syntax.
- cached_schema_available() : mixed
- Returns true if the schema for $schema_type has been cached and is available. $schema_type may be one of (lowercase) the following: objectclasses attributetypes ldapsyntaxes matchingrules matchingruleuse Note that _get_raw_schema() takes a similar parameter.
- get_cached_schema() : mixed
- Returns the cached array of schemaitem objects for the specified $schema_type. For list of valid $schema_type values, see above schema_cache_available(). Note that internally, this function utilizes a two-layer cache, one in memory using a static variable for multiple calls within the same page load, and one in a session for multiple calls within the same user session (spanning multiple page loads).
- set_cached_schema() : mixed
- Caches the specified $schema_type.
- set_schema_cache_unavailable() : mixed
- Sets the schema entry for the server_id to be "unavailable" so that we realize that we tried to get the schema but could not, so quit trying next time to fetch it from the server.
- isLAMProVersion() : bool
- Returns if this is a LAM Pro installation.
- getSelfServiceSearchAttributes() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a list of possible search attributes for the self service.
- getSelfServiceFieldSettings() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns the field settings for the self service.
- getSelfServiceOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns meta HTML code for each self service field.
- checkSelfServiceOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Checks if all input values are correct and returns the LDAP commands which should be executed.
- getSelfServiceSettings() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a hash array (module name => elements) of all module options for the configuration page.
- checkSelfServiceSettings() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Checks if the self service settings are valid
- isSelfService() : bool
- Returns if script runs inside self service.
- openSelfServiceLdapConnection() : handle
- Opens the LDAP connection and returns the handle. No bind is done.
- bindLdapUser() : bool
- Binds the LDAP connections with given user and password.
- compareNodeByIdAsDn() : int
- Compares two nodes by interpreting their ID as DN.
- compareByAttributes() : int
- Compares two arrays with LDAP attributes by global $lamOrderByAttribute.
- getTypes() : array<string|int, string>
- Returns a list of available account types.
- getScopeFromTypeId() : string
- Returns the account type for a given type id.
- cleanDn() : string
- Cleans the given DN from GET.
- printContent() : void
- Displays the content area
- showLoginDialog() : void
- Shows the login dialog for the configuration master password.
- renderBackLink() : void
- Renders the link back to login page.
- checkLogin() : bool
- Checks the login password.
- displayImportExport() : void
- Displays the import/export functions.
- renderImportPart() : void
- Renders the import area.
- checkInput() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Checks user input and saves the entered settings.
- config_showAccountModules() : void
- Displays the module selection boxes and checks if dependencies are fulfilled.
- checkInput() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Checks user input and saves the entered settings.
- checkInput() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Checks user input and saves the entered settings.
- compareTypesByAlias() : int
- Compares types by alias for sorting.
- formatSSLTimestamp() : string
- Formats an LDAP time string (e.g. from createTimestamp).
- checkInput() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Checks user input and saves the entered settings.
- getChildCount() : int
- Returns the number of child entries of a DN.
- echoHTMLHead() : void
- Print HTML header of the help page.
- echoHTMLFoot() : void
- Print HTML footer of the help page.
- displayHelp() : void
- Print help site for a specific help number.
- search_username() : string
- Searches LDAP for a specific user name (uid attribute) and returns its DN entry
- display_LoginPage() : void
- Displays the login window.
- displayLoginHeader() : void
- Displays the header on the login page.
- printHeader() : void
- Prints the page header.
- printFooter() : void
- Prints the page footer.
- importStructures() : htmlStatusMessage
- Imports the selected PDF structures.
- exportStructures() : htmlStatusMessage
- Exports the selected account profile.
- translateFieldIDToName() : string|null
- Translates a given field ID (e.g. inetOrgPerson_givenName) to its descriptive name.
- updateBasicSettings() : void
- Updates basic settings such as logo and head line.
- updateSectionTitles() : void
- Updates section titles.
- addSection() : void
- Adds a new section if requested.
- addSectionEntry() : void
- Adds a new entry to a section if requested.
- removeItem() : void
- Removes a section or entry if requested.
- moveUp() : void
- Moves up a section or entry if requested.
- moveDown() : void
- Moves down a section or entry if requested.
- importProfiles() : htmlStatusMessage
- Imports the selected account profiles.
- exportProfiles() : htmlStatusMessage
- Exports the selected account profile.
- displaySyntaxList() : void
- Displays the syntax list.
- displayRuleList() : void
- Displays the matching rule list.
- displayObjectClassList() : void
- Displays the object class list.
- displayAttributeList() : void
- Displays the attributes list.
- testRemoteCommand() : bool
- Runs a test case of lamdaemon.
- lamRunTestSuite() : void
- Runs all tests for a given server.
- checkSchemaForModule() : string
- Checks if the object classes and attributes for this module are available.
- getRecursiveAttributesFromObjectClass() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns the names of all attributes which are managed by the given object class and its parents.
- printImportTabContent() : void
- Prints the content area for the import tab.
- printImportTabProcessing() : void
- Prints the content area for the import tab during processing state.
- checkImportData() : void
- Checks if the import data is ok.
- printExportTabContent() : void
- Prints the content area for the export tab.
- getDefaultBaseDn() : string
- Returns the default base DN.
- isValidExportDn() : bool
- Checks if the given DN is valid for exporting.
- printExportTabProcessing() : void
- Prints the content area for the export tab during processing state.
- checkExportData() : void
- Checks if the export data is ok.
- displayStartPage() : void
- Displays the main page of the multi edit tool.
- runActions() : void
- Runs the dry run and change actions.
- runAjaxActions() : void
- Performs the modify operations.
- readLDAPData() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Reads the LDAP entries from the directory.
- generateActions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Generates the required actions based on the read LDAP data.
- dryRun() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Prints the dryRun output.
- multiEditLdapErrorHandler() : void
- Error handler
- doModify() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Runs the actual modifications.
- getMessageHTML() : string
- Returns the HTML code for a htmlStatusMessage
- display_main() : void
- Displays the main page of the OU editor
- showTree() : void
- addNewDevice() : void
- Checks if a new device should be registered and adds it.
- showRemoveMessage() : void
- Shows the message if a device was removed.
- massPrintBackButton() : void
- Prints a back button to the page where the user enters a file to upload.
- showMainPage() : void
- Displays the account type specific main page of the upload.
- extractWildcards() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Extracts any wildcards from the value field.
- replaceWildcards() : string
- Replaces wildcards in the user entered value.
- setMimeType() : void
- Sets the mime type.
- printContent() : void
- Displays the content area
= 'add'
= 'del'
Use as server profile name to manage global templates.
= '__GLOBAL__'
font size
= 7
font size for bigger text
= 10
width of a label
= 50
line height
= 5
line width
= 190
= 'mod'
= 'actionsCalculated'
= 'finished'
= 'readFinished'
= 'start'
= 'writing'
printHeader(string $headerPrefix) : void
- $headerPrefix : string
Return values
void —isValidConfigurationPassword()
Checks if the configuration password is secure.
isValidConfigurationPassword(string $password) : bool
- $password : string
Return values
bool —is secure
Sets the environment variables for custom SSL CA certificates.
setSSLCaCert() : mixed
Return values
mixed —setlanguage()
Sets language settings for automatic translation
setlanguage() : mixed
Return values
mixed —checkChmod()
Checks whether a specific flag in the rights string is set.
checkChmod(string $right, string $target, string $chmod) : mixed
- $right : string
read, write or execute
- $target : string
owner, group or other
- $chmod : string
the chmod rights
Return values
mixed —LAMVersion()
Returns the version number of this LAM installation.
LAMVersion() : string
Major/minor version are always numbers, patch level may contain letters for unofficial releases only (e.g. 0.5.alpha1).
Return values
string —version number
Extracts config options from HTTP POST data.
extractConfigOptionsFromPOST(array<string|int, mixed> $confTypes) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $confTypes : array<string|int, mixed>
array (option name => type (e.g. multiselect))
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of config options (name =>[values])
Prints a meta refresh page
metaRefresh(string $page) : mixed
- $page : string
the URL of the target page
Return values
mixed —isAccountTypeHidden()
Checks if the given account type is hidden.
isAccountTypeHidden(string $type) : bool
- $type : string
account type (e.g. user)
Return values
bool —is hidden
Returns a list of all supported languages.
getLanguages() : array<string|int, LAMLanguage>
Return values
array<string|int, LAMLanguage> —languages
Prints the header bar.
printConfigurationPageHeaderBar(LAMConfig $conf) : mixed
- $conf : LAMConfig
configuration object
Return values
mixed —printConfigurationPageTabs()
Prints the tab list.
printConfigurationPageTabs(ConfigurationPageTab $active) : mixed
- $active : ConfigurationPageTab
active tab
Return values
mixed —getModuleAlias()
Returns the alias name of a module
getModuleAlias(string $name, string $scope) : string|null
- $name : string
the module name
- $scope : string
the account type ("user", "group", "host")
Return values
string|null —alias name
Returns true if the module is a base module
is_base_module(string $name, string $scope) : bool
- $name : string
the module name
- $scope : string
the account type ("user", "group", "host")
Return values
bool —true if base module
Returns the LDAP filter used by the account lists
get_ldap_filter(string $typeId) : string
- $typeId : string
the account type ("user", "group", "host")
Return values
string —LDAP filter
Returns a list of LDAP attributes which can be used to form the RDN.
getRDNAttributes(string $typeId[, array<string|int, mixed> $selectedModules = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
The list is already sorted by the priority given by the modules.
- $typeId : string
account type (user, group, host)
- $selectedModules : array<string|int, mixed> = null
return only RDN attributes of these modules
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of LDAP attributes
Returns a hash array (module name => dependencies) of all module dependencies
getModulesDependencies(string $scope) : array<string|int, mixed>
"dependencies" contains an array with two sub arrays: depends, conflicts
The elements of "depends" are either module names or an array of module names (OR-case).
The elements of conflicts are module names.
- $scope : string
the account type (user, group, host)
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —dependencies
Checks if there are missing dependencies between modules.
check_module_depends(array<string|int, mixed> $selected, array<string|int, mixed> $deps) : mixed
- $selected : array<string|int, mixed>
selected module names
- $deps : array<string|int, mixed>
module dependencies
Return values
mixed —false if no missing dependency was found, otherwise an array of array(selected module, depending module) if missing dependencies were found
Checks if there are conflicts between modules
check_module_conflicts(array<string|int, mixed> $selected, array<string|int, mixed> $deps) : bool
- $selected : array<string|int, mixed>
selected module names
- $deps : array<string|int, mixed>
module dependencies
Return values
bool —false if no conflict was found, otherwise an array of array(selected module, conflicting module) if conflicts were found
Returns an array with all available user module names
getAvailableModules(string $scope[, bool $mustSupportAdminInterface = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $scope : string
account type (user, group, host)
- $mustSupportAdminInterface : bool = false
module must support LAM admin interface (default: false)
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of possible modules
Returns an array with all modules.
getAllModules() : array<string|int, baseModule>
Return values
array<string|int, baseModule> —list of modules
Returns the elements for the profile page.
getProfileOptions(string $typeId) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $typeId : string
account type (user, group, host)
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —profile elements
Checks if the profile options are valid
checkProfileOptions(string $typeId, array<string|int, mixed> $options) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $typeId : string
account type (user, group, host)
- $options : array<string|int, mixed>
hash array containing all options (name => array(...))
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of error messages
Returns a hash array (module name => elements) of all module options for the configuration page.
getConfigOptions(array<string|int, mixed> $moduleToScopes) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $moduleToScopes : array<string|int, mixed>
hash array (module name => array(account types))
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —configuration options
Checks if the configuration options are valid
checkConfigOptions(array<string|int, mixed> $moduleToTypeIds, array<string|int, mixed> &$options) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $moduleToTypeIds : array<string|int, mixed>
hash array (module name => array(account type ids))
- $options : array<string|int, mixed>
hash array containing all options (name => array(...))
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of error messages
Returns a help entry from an account module.
getHelp(string $module, string $helpID, string $scope) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $module : string
module name
- $helpID : string
help identifier
- $scope : string
account type
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —help entry
Returns a list of available PDF entries.
getAvailablePDFFields(string $typeId) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $typeId : string
account type (user, group, host)
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —PDF entries (field ID => field label)
Returns an array containing all input columns for the file upload.
getUploadColumns(ConfiguredType &$type, array<string|int, mixed> $selectedModules) : array<string|int, mixed>
string: name, // fixed non-translated name which is used as column name (should be of format:
string: description, // short descriptive name
string: help, // help ID
string: example, // example value
boolean: required // true, if user must set a value for this column
- $type : ConfiguredType
account type
- $selectedModules : array<string|int, mixed>
selected account modules
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —column list
This function builds the LDAP accounts for the file upload.
buildUploadAccounts(ConfiguredType $type, array<string|int, mixed> $data, array<string|int, mixed> $ids, array<string|int, mixed> $selectedModules, htmlResponsiveRow $container) : mixed
If there are problems status messages will be printed automatically.
- $type : ConfiguredType
account type
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>
array containing one account in each element
- $ids : array<string|int, mixed>
array(<column_name> =>
) - $selectedModules : array<string|int, mixed>
selected account modules
- $container : htmlResponsiveRow
HTML container
Return values
mixed —array including accounts or false if there were errors
Runs any actions that need to be done before an LDAP entry is created.
doUploadPreActions(ConfiguredType $type, array<string|int, mixed> $selectedModules, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $type : ConfiguredType
account type
- $selectedModules : array<string|int, mixed>
list of selected account modules
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>
LDAP attributes of this entry (attributes are provided as reference, handle modifications of $attributes with care)
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —array which contains status messages. Each entry is an array containing the status message parameters.
This function executes one post upload action.
doUploadPostActions(ConfiguredType $type, array<string|int, mixed> &$data, array<string|int, mixed> $ids, array<string|int, mixed> $failed, array<string|int, mixed> $selectedModules, array<string|int, mixed> &$accounts) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $type : ConfiguredType
account type
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>
array containing one account in each element
- $ids : array<string|int, mixed>
array(<column_name> =>
) - $failed : array<string|int, mixed>
list of accounts which were not created successfully
- $selectedModules : array<string|int, mixed>
list of selected account modules
- $accounts : array<string|int, mixed>
list of LDAP entries
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —current status
array (
'status' => 'finished' | 'inProgress'
'module' =>
'progress' => 0..100
'errors' => array (<array of parameters for StatusMessage>)
Returns true if the module is a base module
getRequiredExtensions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —required extensions
Takes a list of meta-HTML elements and prints the equivalent HTML output.
parseHtml(string $module, htmlElement|array<string|int, htmlElement> $input, array<string|int, mixed> $values, bool $restricted, string $scope) : array<string|int, mixed>
The modules are not allowed to display HTML code directly but return meta HTML code. This allows to have a common design for all module pages.
- $module : string
Name of account module
- $input : htmlElement|array<string|int, htmlElement>
htmlElement or array of htmlElement elements
- $values : array<string|int, mixed>
List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value)
- $restricted : bool
If true then no buttons will be displayed
- $scope : string
Account type
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —List of input field names and their type (name => type)
Helper function to sort descriptive options in parseHTML().
lamCompareDescriptiveOptions(array<string|int, mixed> &$a, array<string|int, mixed> &$b) : int
It compares the second entries of two arrays.
- $a : array<string|int, mixed>
first array
- $b : array<string|int, mixed>
second array
Return values
int —compare result
Prints a LAM help link.
printHelpLink(array<string|int, mixed> $entry, string $number[, string $module = '' ][, string $scope = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $classes = [] ]) : mixed
- $entry : array<string|int, mixed>
help entry
- $number : string
help number
- $module : string = ''
module name
- $scope : string = ''
account scope
- $classes : array<string|int, mixed> = []
CSS classes
Return values
mixed —createModulePDF()
This function creates the PDF output of one or more accounts.
createModulePDF(array<string|int, mixed> $accounts, string $pdf_structure, string $font[, $returnAsString = false ]) : string
- $accounts : array<string|int, mixed>
A numbered array containing all accounts the PDF page should be created for. The entries of the array must be AccountContainer objects.
- $pdf_structure : string
The filename of the structure definition that should be used to create the PDF page. If not submitted the 'default.user' structure definition for the appropriate account type.
- $font : string
font to use (e.g. DejaVu)
- $returnAsString : = false
returns the PDF output as String value instead of writing it to a file
Return values
string —PDF file name
This function creates the PDF output of one or more accounts using TCPDF.
createPdf(PDFstructure $structure, array<string|int, mixed> $accounts, mixed $pdfKeys, mixed $account_type, string $font, bool $returnAsString) : string
- $structure : PDFstructure
PDF structure
- $accounts : array<string|int, mixed>
A numbered array containing all accounts the PDF page should be created for. The entries of the array must be AccountContainer objects.
- $pdfKeys : mixed
- $account_type : mixed
- $font : string
font to use
- $returnAsString : bool
returns the PDF output as String value instead of writing it to a file
Return values
string —PDF file name
Creates a section headline.
getSectionHeadline(PDFEntry $entry) : string
- $entry : PDFEntry
content entry
Return values
string —headline
Prints a PDFLabelValue entry.
printLabelValue(LAMTCPDF &$pdf, PDFLabelValue $valueEntry, string $fontName) : mixed
- $pdf : LAMTCPDF
- $valueEntry : PDFLabelValue
- $fontName : string
font name
Return values
mixed —printTable()
Prints a PDFTable entry.
printTable(LAMTCPDF &$pdf, PDFTable $table, string $fontName) : mixed
Return values
mixed —printImage()
Prints an image entry.
printImage(LAMTCPDF &$pdf, PDFImage $imageEntry, string $fontName) : mixed
Return values
mixed —replaceSpecialCharacters()
Replaces special characters that cannot be printed in PDF.
replaceSpecialCharacters(string|null $text) : string
Can be removed once tc-lib-pdf is used.
- $text : string|null
input text
Return values
string —output text
Returns a list of possible fonts.
getPdfFonts() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of fonts (description => font name)
Returns if the given table name exists
dbTableExists(PDO $pdo, string $tableName) : bool
- $pdo : PDO
- $tableName : string
table name
Return values
bool —true if existing
Helper for _get_raw_schema() which fetches the DN of the schema object in an LDAP server based on a DN. Entries should set the subSchemaSubEntry attribute pointing to the DN of the server schema. You can specify the DN whose subSchemaSubEntry you wish to retrieve of specify an empty string to fetch the subScehamSubEntry from the Root DSE.
_get_schema_dn(string $dn[, bool $debug = false ]) : string
- $dn : string
The DN (may be null) which houses the subschemaSubEntry attribute which this function can use to determine the schema entry's DN.
- $debug : bool = false
Switch to true to see some nice and copious output. :)
Return values
string —The DN of the entry which houses this LDAP server's schema.
Fetches the raw schema array for the subschemaSubentry of the server. Note, this function has grown many hairs to accommodate more LDAP servers. It is needfully complicated as it now supports many popular LDAP servers that don't necessarily expose their schema "the right way".
_get_raw_schema( $schema_to_fetch[, $dn = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $schema_to_fetch :
- A string indicating which type of schema to fetch. Five valid values: 'objectclasses', 'attributetypes', 'ldapsyntaxes', 'matchingruleuse', or 'matchingrules'. Case insensitive.
- $dn : = ''
(optional) This parameter is the DN of the entry whose schema you would like to fetch. Entries have the option of specifying their own subschemaSubentry that points to the DN of the system schema entry which applies to this attribute. If unspecified, this will try to retrieve the schema from the RootDSE subschemaSubentry. Failing that, we use some commonly known schema DNs. Default value is the Root DSE DN (zero-length string)
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —an array of strings of this form: Array ( [0] => "( NAME 'gidPool' DESC 'Pool ... [1] => "( NAME 'sambaAccount' DESC 'Sa ... etc.
Gets an associative array of ObjectClass objects for the specified server. Each array entry's key is the name of the objectClass in lower-case and the value is an ObjectClass object.
get_schema_objectclasses([string $dn = null ][, mixed $use_cache = true ]) : array<string|int, ObjectClass>
- $dn : string = null
(optional) It is easier to fetch schema if a DN is provided which defines the subschemaSubEntry attribute (all entries should).
- $use_cache : mixed = true
Return values
array<string|int, ObjectClass> —An array of ObjectClass objects.
Gets a single ObjectClass object specified by name.
get_schema_objectclass(string $oclass_name[, string $dn = null ][, mixed $use_cache = true ]) : ObjectClass
- $oclass_name : string
The name of the objectClass to fetch.
- $dn : string = null
(optional) It is easier to fetch schema if a DN is provided which defines the subschemaSubEntry attribute (all entries should).
- $use_cache : mixed = true
Return values
ObjectClass —The specified ObjectClass object or false on error.
Gets a single AttributeType object specified by name.
get_schema_attribute(mixed $attr_name[, string $dn = null ][, mixed $use_cache = true ]) : AttributeType
- $attr_name : mixed
- $dn : string = null
(optional) It is easier to fetch schema if a DN is provided which defines the subschemaSubEntry attribute (all entries should).
- $use_cache : mixed = true
Return values
AttributeType —The specified AttributeType object or false on error.
Gets an associative array of AttributeType objects for the specified server. Each array entry's key is the name of the attributeType in lower-case and the value is an AttributeType object.
get_schema_attributes([string $dn = null ][, mixed $use_cache = true ]) : array<string|int, AttributeType>
- $dn : string = null
(optional) It is easier to fetch schema if a DN is provided which defines the subschemaSubEntry attribute (all entries should).
- $use_cache : mixed = true
Return values
array<string|int, AttributeType> —an array of AttributeType objects.
For each attribute that has multiple names, this function adds unique entries to the attrs array for those names. Ie, attributeType has name 'gn' and 'givenName'.
add_aliases_to_attrs(mixed &$attrs) : mixed
This function will create a unique entry for 'gn' and 'givenName'.
- $attrs : mixed
Return values
mixed —add_sup_to_attrs()
Adds inherited values to each attributeType specified by the SUP directive.
add_sup_to_attrs(mixed &$attrs, mixed &$attrs_oid) : mixed
Supports infinite levels of inheritance. Bug 856832: require a second parameter that has all attributes indexed by OID
- $attrs : mixed
- $attrs_oid : mixed
Return values
mixed —get_schema_matching_rules()
Returns an array of MatchingRule objects for the specified server.
get_schema_matching_rules([mixed $dn = null ][, mixed $use_cache = true ]) : mixed
The key of each entry is the OID of the matching rule.
- $dn : mixed = null
- $use_cache : mixed = true
Return values
mixed —get_schema_syntaxes()
Returns an array of Syntax objects that this LDAP server uses mapped to their descriptions. The key of each entry is the OID of the Syntax.
get_schema_syntaxes([mixed $dn = null ][, mixed $use_cache = true ]) : mixed
- $dn : mixed = null
- $use_cache : mixed = true
Return values
mixed —cached_schema_available()
Returns true if the schema for $schema_type has been cached and is available. $schema_type may be one of (lowercase) the following: objectclasses attributetypes ldapsyntaxes matchingrules matchingruleuse Note that _get_raw_schema() takes a similar parameter.
cached_schema_available(mixed $schema_type) : mixed
- $schema_type : mixed
Return values
mixed —get_cached_schema()
Returns the cached array of schemaitem objects for the specified $schema_type. For list of valid $schema_type values, see above schema_cache_available(). Note that internally, this function utilizes a two-layer cache, one in memory using a static variable for multiple calls within the same page load, and one in a session for multiple calls within the same user session (spanning multiple page loads).
get_cached_schema(mixed $schema_type) : mixed
Returns an array of SchemaItem objects on success or false on failure.
- $schema_type : mixed
Return values
mixed —set_cached_schema()
Caches the specified $schema_type.
set_cached_schema(mixed $schema_type, mixed $schema_items) : mixed
$schema_items should be an array of SchemaItem instances (ie, an array of ObjectClass, AttributeType, LDAPSyntax, MatchingRuleUse, or MatchingRule objects.
Returns true on success of false on failure.
- $schema_type : mixed
- $schema_items : mixed
Return values
mixed —set_schema_cache_unavailable()
Sets the schema entry for the server_id to be "unavailable" so that we realize that we tried to get the schema but could not, so quit trying next time to fetch it from the server.
set_schema_cache_unavailable() : mixed
Return values
mixed —isLAMProVersion()
Returns if this is a LAM Pro installation.
isLAMProVersion() : bool
Return values
bool —LAM Pro installation
Returns a list of possible search attributes for the self service.
getSelfServiceSearchAttributes(string $scope) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $scope : string
account type
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —attributes
Returns the field settings for the self service.
getSelfServiceFieldSettings(string $scope) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $scope : string
account type
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —settings
Returns meta HTML code for each self service field.
getSelfServiceOptions(string $scope, array<string|int, mixed> $fields, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes, bool $passwordChangeOnly, array<string|int, mixed> $readOnlyFields) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $scope : string
account type
- $fields : array<string|int, mixed>
input fields (array(<moduleName> => array(
, , ...))) - $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>
LDAP attributes (attribute names in lower case)
- $passwordChangeOnly : bool
indicates that the user is only allowed to change his password and no LDAP content is readable
- $readOnlyFields : array<string|int, mixed>
list of read-only fields
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —meta HTML code (array(<moduleName> => htmlResponsiveRow))
Checks if all input values are correct and returns the LDAP commands which should be executed.
checkSelfServiceOptions(string $scope, string $fields, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes, bool $passwordChangeOnly, array<string|int, mixed> $readOnlyFields) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $scope : string
account type
- $fields : string
input fields (array(<moduleName> => array(
, , ...))) - $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>
LDAP attributes
- $passwordChangeOnly : bool
indicates that the user is only allowed to change his password and no LDAP content is readable
- $readOnlyFields : array<string|int, mixed>
list of read-only fields
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —messages and LDAP commands (array('messages' => [], 'add' => [], 'del' => [], 'mod' => []))
Returns a hash array (module name => elements) of all module options for the configuration page.
getSelfServiceSettings(string $scope, selfServiceProfile $profile) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $scope : string
account type
- $profile : selfServiceProfile
currently edited profile
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —configuration options
Checks if the self service settings are valid
checkSelfServiceSettings(string $scope, array<string|int, mixed> &$options, selfServiceProfile &$profile) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $scope : string
account type
- $options : array<string|int, mixed>
hash array containing all options (name => array(...))
- $profile : selfServiceProfile
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of error messages
Returns if script runs inside self service.
isSelfService() : bool
Return values
bool —is self service
Opens the LDAP connection and returns the handle. No bind is done.
openSelfServiceLdapConnection(selfServiceProfile $profile) : handle
- $profile : selfServiceProfile
Return values
handle —LDAP handle or null if connection failed
Binds the LDAP connections with given user and password.
bindLdapUser(handle $handle, mixed $profile, string $userDn, string $password) : bool
- $handle : handle
LDAP handle
- $profile : mixed
- $userDn : string
bind DN
- $password : string
bind password
Return values
bool —binding successful
Compares two nodes by interpreting their ID as DN.
compareNodeByIdAsDn( $a, $b) : int
Return values
int —result
Compares two arrays with LDAP attributes by global $lamOrderByAttribute.
compareByAttributes( $a, $b) : int
Return values
int —result
Returns a list of available account types.
getTypes() : array<string|int, string>
Return values
array<string|int, string> —list of types
Returns the account type for a given type id.
getScopeFromTypeId(string $typeId) : string
- $typeId : string
type id (e.g. user_1)
Return values
string —scope (e.g. user)
Cleans the given DN from GET.
cleanDn(string $dn) : string
- $dn : string
Return values
string —cleaned DN
Displays the content area
printContent([htmlStatusMessage $message = null ][, bool $showPasswordInputs = true ]) : void
- $message : htmlStatusMessage = null
status message
- $showPasswordInputs : bool = true
show password input fields
Return values
void —showLoginDialog()
Shows the login dialog for the configuration master password.
showLoginDialog([htmlStatusMessage $message = null ]) : void
- $message : htmlStatusMessage = null
message to show if any error occurred
Return values
void —renderBackLink()
Renders the link back to login page.
renderBackLink() : void
Return values
void —checkLogin()
Checks the login password.
checkLogin(LAMCfgMain $cfg) : bool
- $cfg : LAMCfgMain
main config
Return values
bool —login ok
Displays the import/export functions.
displayImportExport() : void
Return values
void —renderImportPart()
Renders the import area.
renderImportPart(htmlResponsiveRow $content) : void
- $content : htmlResponsiveRow
content where to add import part
Return values
void —checkInput()
Checks user input and saves the entered settings.
checkInput() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of errors
Displays the module selection boxes and checks if dependencies are fulfilled.
config_showAccountModules(ConfiguredType $type, htmlResponsiveRow &$container) : void
- $type : ConfiguredType
account type
- $container : htmlResponsiveRow
meta HTML container
Return values
void —checkInput()
Checks user input and saves the entered settings.
checkInput() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of errors
Checks user input and saves the entered settings.
checkInput() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of errors
Compares types by alias for sorting.
compareTypesByAlias(baseType $a, baseType $b) : int
Return values
int —comparison result
Formats an LDAP time string (e.g. from createTimestamp).
formatSSLTimestamp(string $time) : string
- $time : string
LDAP time value
Return values
string —formatted time
Checks user input and saves the entered settings.
checkInput() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of errors
Returns the number of child entries of a DN.
getChildCount(string $dn) : int
- $dn : string
DN of parent
Return values
int —number of children
Print HTML header of the help page.
echoHTMLHead() : void
Return values
void —echoHTMLFoot()
Print HTML footer of the help page.
echoHTMLFoot() : void
Return values
void —displayHelp()
Print help site for a specific help number.
displayHelp(array<string|int, mixed> $helpEntry) : void
- $helpEntry : array<string|int, mixed>
the help entry that is to be displayed.
Return values
void —search_username()
Searches LDAP for a specific user name (uid attribute) and returns its DN entry
search_username(string $name) : string
- $name : string
user name
Return values
string —DN
Displays the login window.
display_LoginPage(LAMLicenseValidator|null $licenseValidator, string|null $error_message[, string|null $errorDetails = null ][, string|null $extraMessage = null ]) : void
- $licenseValidator : LAMLicenseValidator|null
license validator
- $error_message : string|null
error message to display
- $errorDetails : string|null = null
error details
- $extraMessage : string|null = null
extra message that is shown as info
Return values
void —displayLoginHeader()
Displays the header on the login page.
displayLoginHeader() : void
Return values
void —printHeader()
Prints the page header.
printHeader() : void
Return values
void —printFooter()
Prints the page footer.
printFooter() : void
Return values
void —importStructures()
Imports the selected PDF structures.
importStructures(string $typeId, array<string|int, mixed> $options, array<string|int, LAMConfig> &$serverProfiles, TypeManager &$typeManager) : htmlStatusMessage
- $typeId : string
type id
- $options : array<string|int, mixed>
- $serverProfiles : array<string|int, LAMConfig>
server profiles (name => profile object)
- $typeManager : TypeManager
type manager
Return values
htmlStatusMessage —message or null
Exports the selected account profile.
exportStructures(string $typeId, string $name, array<string|int, mixed> $options, array<string|int, LAMConfig> &$serverProfiles, TypeManager &$typeManager) : htmlStatusMessage
- $typeId : string
source type id
- $name : string
profile name
- $options : array<string|int, mixed>
- $serverProfiles : array<string|int, LAMConfig>
server profiles (name => profile object)
- $typeManager : TypeManager
type manager
Return values
htmlStatusMessage —message or null
Translates a given field ID (e.g. inetOrgPerson_givenName) to its descriptive name.
translateFieldIDToName(string $id, string $scope, array<string|int, mixed> $availablePDFFields) : string|null
- $id : string
field ID
- $scope : string
account type
- $availablePDFFields : array<string|int, mixed>
available PDF fields
Return values
string|null —field label or null if no matching module found
Updates basic settings such as logo and head line.
updateBasicSettings(PDFStructure &$structure, array<string|int, PdfLogo> $logoFiles) : void
- $structure : PDFStructure
PDF structure
- $logoFiles : array<string|int, PdfLogo>
Return values
void —updateSectionTitles()
Updates section titles.
updateSectionTitles(PDFStructure &$structure) : void
- $structure : PDFStructure
PDF structure
Return values
void —addSection()
Adds a new section if requested.
addSection(PDFStructure &$structure) : void
- $structure : PDFStructure
PDF structure
Return values
void —addSectionEntry()
Adds a new entry to a section if requested.
addSectionEntry(PDFStructure &$structure) : void
- $structure : PDFStructure
PDF structure
Return values
void —removeItem()
Removes a section or entry if requested.
removeItem(PDFStructure &$structure) : void
- $structure : PDFStructure
PDF structure
Return values
void —moveUp()
Moves up a section or entry if requested.
moveUp(PDFStructure &$structure) : void
- $structure : PDFStructure
PDF structure
Return values
void —moveDown()
Moves down a section or entry if requested.
moveDown(PDFStructure &$structure) : void
- $structure : PDFStructure
PDF structure
Return values
void —importProfiles()
Imports the selected account profiles.
importProfiles(string $typeId, array<string|int, mixed> $options, array<string|int, LAMConfig> &$serverProfiles, TypeManager &$typeManager) : htmlStatusMessage
- $typeId : string
type id
- $options : array<string|int, mixed>
- $serverProfiles : array<string|int, LAMConfig>
server profiles (name => profile object)
- $typeManager : TypeManager
type manager
Return values
htmlStatusMessage —message or null
Exports the selected account profile.
exportProfiles(string $typeId, string $name, array<string|int, mixed> $options, array<string|int, LAMConfig> &$serverProfiles, TypeManager &$typeManager) : htmlStatusMessage
- $typeId : string
source type id
- $name : string
profile name
- $options : array<string|int, mixed>
- $serverProfiles : array<string|int, LAMConfig>
server profiles (name => profile object)
- $typeManager : TypeManager
type manager
Return values
htmlStatusMessage —message or null
Displays the syntax list.
displaySyntaxList(htmlResponsiveRow &$row) : void
- $row : htmlResponsiveRow
Return values
void —displayRuleList()
Displays the matching rule list.
displayRuleList(htmlResponsiveRow &$row) : void
- $row : htmlResponsiveRow
Return values
void —displayObjectClassList()
Displays the object class list.
displayObjectClassList(htmlResponsiveRow &$row) : void
- $row : htmlResponsiveRow
Return values
void —displayAttributeList()
Displays the attributes list.
displayAttributeList(htmlResponsiveRow $row) : void
- $row : htmlResponsiveRow
Return values
void —testRemoteCommand()
Runs a test case of lamdaemon.
testRemoteCommand(string $command, bool $stopTest, Remote $remote, string $testText, htmlResponsiveRow $container) : bool
- $command : string
test command
- $stopTest : bool
specifies if test should be run
- $remote : Remote
SSH connection
- $testText : string
describing text
- $container : htmlResponsiveRow
container for HTML output
Return values
bool —true, if errors occurred
Runs all tests for a given server.
lamRunTestSuite(string $serverName, string $serverTitle, bool $testQuota, htmlResponsiveRow $container) : void
- $serverName : string
server ID
- $serverTitle : string
server name
- $testQuota : bool
true, if Quotas should be checked
- $container : htmlResponsiveRow
container for HTML output
Return values
void —checkSchemaForModule()
Checks if the object classes and attributes for this module are available.
checkSchemaForModule(string $name, string $scope, string $typeId) : string
- $name : string
module name
- $scope : string
type (user, group, ...)
- $typeId : string
type id
Return values
string —error message or null
Returns the names of all attributes which are managed by the given object class and its parents.
getRecursiveAttributesFromObjectClass(ObjectClass $oClass) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $oClass : ObjectClass
object class
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of attribute names
Prints the content area for the import tab.
printImportTabContent() : void
Return values
void —printImportTabProcessing()
Prints the content area for the import tab during processing state.
printImportTabProcessing() : void
Return values
void —checkImportData()
Checks if the import data is ok.
checkImportData() : void
Return values
void —printExportTabContent()
Prints the content area for the export tab.
printExportTabContent() : void
Return values
void —getDefaultBaseDn()
Returns the default base DN.
getDefaultBaseDn() : string
Return values
string —base DN
Checks if the given DN is valid for exporting.
isValidExportDn(string $dn) : bool
- $dn : string
Return values
bool —valid
Prints the content area for the export tab during processing state.
printExportTabProcessing() : void
Return values
void —checkExportData()
Checks if the export data is ok.
checkExportData() : void
Return values
void —displayStartPage()
Displays the main page of the multi edit tool.
displayStartPage() : void
Return values
void —runActions()
Runs the dry run and change actions.
runActions(htmlResponsiveRow &$container) : void
- $container : htmlResponsiveRow
Return values
void —runAjaxActions()
Performs the modify operations.
runAjaxActions() : void
Return values
void —readLDAPData()
Reads the LDAP entries from the directory.
readLDAPData() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —status
Generates the required actions based on the read LDAP data.
generateActions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —status
Prints the dryRun output.
dryRun() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —status
Error handler
multiEditLdapErrorHandler(int $errno, string $errstr, string $errfile, int $errline) : void
- $errno : int
error number
- $errstr : string
error message
- $errfile : string
error file
- $errline : int
error line
Return values
void —doModify()
Runs the actual modifications.
doModify() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —status
Returns the HTML code for a htmlStatusMessage
getMessageHTML(htmlStatusMessage $msg) : string
- $msg : htmlStatusMessage
Return values
string —HTML code
Displays the main page of the OU editor
display_main(string|null $message, string|null $error) : void
- $message : string|null
info message
- $error : string|null
error message
Return values
void —showTree()
showTree() : void
Return values
void —addNewDevice()
Checks if a new device should be registered and adds it.
addNewDevice(htmlResponsiveRow $container, WebauthnManager $webauthnManager) : void
- $container : htmlResponsiveRow
- $webauthnManager : WebauthnManager
webauthn manager
Return values
void —showRemoveMessage()
Shows the message if a device was removed.
showRemoveMessage(htmlResponsiveRow $container) : void
- $container : htmlResponsiveRow
Return values
void —massPrintBackButton()
Prints a back button to the page where the user enters a file to upload.
massPrintBackButton(string $typeId, array<string|int, string> $selectedModules, htmlResponsiveRow &$container) : void
- $typeId : string
account type (e.g. user)
- $selectedModules : array<string|int, string>
selected modules for upload
- $container : htmlResponsiveRow
table container
Return values
void —showMainPage()
Displays the account type specific main page of the upload.
showMainPage(ConfiguredType $type, array<string|int, string> $selectedModules) : void
- $type : ConfiguredType
account type
- $selectedModules : array<string|int, string>
list of selected account modules
Return values
void —extractWildcards()
Extracts any wildcards from the value field.
extractWildcards(string $value) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $value : string
value field
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —wildcard attributes
Replaces wildcards in the user entered value.
replaceWildcards(string $value, array<string|int, mixed> $entry) : string
- $value : string
user entered value
- $entry : array<string|int, mixed>
LDAP entry
Return values
string —result
Sets the mime type.
setMimeType(string $extension) : void
- $extension : string
file extension
Return values
void —printContent()
Displays the content area
printContent([htmlStatusMessage|null $message = null ][, bool $showPasswordInputs = true ]) : void
- $message : htmlStatusMessage|null = null
status message
- $showPasswordInputs : bool = true
show password input fields