Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- PDFEntry
- Common interface for all PDF entries.
- PdfStructurePersistenceStrategy
- Interface for PDF structure persistence.
- PDFTable
- Represents a table for PDF export.
- PDFTableRow
- Represents a table row for PDF export.
- PDFTableCell
- Represents a table cell for PDF export.
- PDFLabelValue
- Simple PDF object to print label value entries.
- PDFImage
- Adds an image to the PDF file.
- PdfStructurePersistenceManager
- Manages the persistence of PDF structures.
- PdfLogo
- Logo for PDF structures.
- PdfStructurePersistenceStrategyFiles
- Manages PDF structures on file system.
- PdfStructurePersistenceStrategyPdo
- Manages PDF structures on file system.
- PDFStructureReader
- Reads a PDF structure.
- PDFStructureWriter
- Writes PDF structures to files.
- PDFStructure
- PDF structure
- PDFTextSection
- Section for static text.
- PDFEntrySection
- PDF section that contains LDAP data entries.
- PDFSectionEntry
- Single PDF entry.
Table of Contents
- Use as server profile name to manage global templates.
- createModulePDF() : string
- This function creates the PDF output of one or more accounts.
- createPdf() : string
- This function creates the PDF output of one or more accounts using TCPDF.
- getSectionHeadline() : string
- Creates a section headline.
- printLabelValue() : mixed
- Prints a PDFLabelValue entry.
- printTable() : mixed
- Prints a PDFTable entry.
- printImage() : mixed
- Prints an image entry.
- replaceSpecialCharacters() : string
- Replaces special characters that cannot be printed in PDF.
- getPdfFonts() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a list of possible fonts.
Use as server profile name to manage global templates.
= '__GLOBAL__'
This function creates the PDF output of one or more accounts.
createModulePDF(array<string|int, mixed> $accounts, string $pdf_structure, string $font[, $returnAsString = false ]) : string
- $accounts : array<string|int, mixed>
A numbered array containing all accounts the PDF page should be created for. The entries of the array must be AccountContainer objects.
- $pdf_structure : string
The filename of the structure definition that should be used to create the PDF page. If not submitted the 'default.user' structure definition for the appropriate account type.
- $font : string
font to use (e.g. DejaVu)
- $returnAsString : = false
returns the PDF output as String value instead of writing it to a file
Return values
string —PDF file name
This function creates the PDF output of one or more accounts using TCPDF.
createPdf(PDFstructure $structure, array<string|int, mixed> $accounts, mixed $pdfKeys, mixed $account_type, string $font, bool $returnAsString) : string
- $structure : PDFstructure
PDF structure
- $accounts : array<string|int, mixed>
A numbered array containing all accounts the PDF page should be created for. The entries of the array must be AccountContainer objects.
- $pdfKeys : mixed
- $account_type : mixed
- $font : string
font to use
- $returnAsString : bool
returns the PDF output as String value instead of writing it to a file
Return values
string —PDF file name
Creates a section headline.
getSectionHeadline(PDFEntry $entry) : string
- $entry : PDFEntry
content entry
Return values
string —headline
Prints a PDFLabelValue entry.
printLabelValue(LAMTCPDF &$pdf, PDFLabelValue $valueEntry, string $fontName) : mixed
- $pdf : LAMTCPDF
- $valueEntry : PDFLabelValue
- $fontName : string
font name
Return values
mixed —printTable()
Prints a PDFTable entry.
printTable(LAMTCPDF &$pdf, PDFTable $table, string $fontName) : mixed
Return values
mixed —printImage()
Prints an image entry.
printImage(LAMTCPDF &$pdf, PDFImage $imageEntry, string $fontName) : mixed
Return values
mixed —replaceSpecialCharacters()
Replaces special characters that cannot be printed in PDF.
replaceSpecialCharacters(string|null $text) : string
Can be removed once tc-lib-pdf is used.
- $text : string|null
input text
Return values
string —output text
Returns a list of possible fonts.
getPdfFonts() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of fonts (description => font name)