LDAP Account Manager


LDAP Account Manager status messages.


Michael Duergner

Table of Contents

StatusMessage()  : string
This function prints a short status message. It can be used to print INFO, WARN and ERROR messages.



This function prints a short status message. It can be used to print INFO, WARN and ERROR messages.

StatusMessage(string $MessageTyp, string $MessageHeadline[, string $MessageText = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $MessageVariables = [] ][, bool $returnOutput = false ]) : string
$MessageTyp : string

The type of the message to be printed. It must be one of the following types: 'INFO', 'WARN' or 'ERROR'.
Every other type will lead to an error message indicating an invalid message type.

$MessageHeadline : string

The headline of the status message.
It may be formatted with special color/link/bold tags.

$MessageText : string = ''

The text of the status message.
It may be formatted with special color/link/bold tags. This parameter is optional.

$MessageVariables : array<string|int, mixed> = []

The variables that are used to replace the spacers (%s) in the submitted text. This parameter is optional.

$returnOutput : bool = false

if set to true this function will return the generated HTML code instead of printing it directly (default: false)

Return values

HTML code if $returnOutput is set to true, otherwise null

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