LDAP Account Manager

in package

Includes all settings of a self service profile.

Table of Contents

$additionalCSS  : mixed
list of additional CSS links (separated by \n)
$additionalLDAPFilter  : mixed
additional LDAP filter for accounts
$baseColor  : mixed
base color
$baseUrl  : mixed
base URL for the website (e.g. https://example.com) for link generation
$captchaOnLogin  : mixed
enable captcha on self service login
$captchaProvider  : mixed
provider for captcha (-/google/hCaptcha/friendlyCaptcha)
$enforceLanguage  : mixed
disallow user to change language
$followReferrals  : mixed
$inputFields  : mixed
input fields Format: array( <br> array(array('name' => <group name 1>, 'fields' => array(<field1>, <field2>))), <br> array(array('name' => <group name 2>, 'fields' => array(<field3>, <field4>))) <br> )
$language  : mixed
language for self service
$LDAPPassword  : mixed
LDAP password
$LDAPSuffix  : mixed
LDAP suffix
$LDAPUser  : mixed
LDAP user DN
$loginAttributeText  : mixed
describing text for search attribute
$loginCaption  : mixed
describing text for user login
$loginFooter  : mixed
describing text for user login
$loginHandler  : string|null
$mainPageFooter  : mixed
describing text for self service main page
$mainPageText  : mixed
describing text for self service main page
$moduleSettings  : mixed
configuration settings of modules
$pageHeader  : mixed
header for self service pages
$passwordLabel  : mixed
label for password input
$readOnlyFields  : mixed
List of fields that are set in read-only mode.
$reCaptchaSecretKey  : mixed
Google reCAPTCHA secret key
$reCaptchaSiteKey  : mixed
Google reCAPTCHA site key
$relabelFields  : mixed
List of override values for field labels: array(<field ID> => label)
$scriptPath  : mixed
Path to external lamdaemon script on server where it is executed
$scriptRights  : mixed
The rights for the home directory
$scriptServer  : mixed
Servers where lamdaemon script is executed
$scriptSSHKey  : mixed
File name of SSH key for lamdaemon.
$scriptSSHKeyPassword  : mixed
Password for lamdaemon SSH key.
$scriptUserName  : mixed
user name for lamdaemon
$searchAttribute  : mixed
LDAP search attribute
$serverURL  : mixed
server address
$timeZone  : mixed
$twoFactorAllowToRememberDevice  : mixed
$twoFactorAuthentication  : mixed
$twoFactorAuthenticationAttribute  : mixed
$twoFactorAuthenticationCaption  : mixed
$twoFactorAuthenticationClientId  : mixed
$twoFactorAuthenticationDomain  : mixed
$twoFactorAuthenticationInsecure  : mixed
$twoFactorAuthenticationLabel  : mixed
$twoFactorAuthenticationOptional  : mixed
$twoFactorAuthenticationSecretKey  : mixed
$twoFactorAuthenticationURL  : mixed
$twoFactorRememberDeviceDuration  : mixed
$twoFactorRememberDevicePassword  : mixed
$useForAllOperations  : mixed
use bind user also for read/modify operations
$useTLS  : mixed
use TLS
__construct()  : mixed
export()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns a representation of the self service profile.
getBaseUrl()  : string
Returns the server's base URL (e.g. https://www.example.com).
getLoginHandler()  : SelfServiceLoginHandler
Returns the login handler.
import()  : selfServiceProfile
Converts the export data back to a self service profile.
setBaseUrl()  : mixed
Sets the server's base URL (e.g. https://www.example.com).



list of additional CSS links (separated by \n)

public mixed $additionalCSS = ''


additional LDAP filter for accounts

public mixed $additionalLDAPFilter = ''


base color

public mixed $baseColor = '#fffde2'


base URL for the website (e.g. https://example.com) for link generation

public mixed $baseUrl = ''


enable captcha on self service login

public mixed $captchaOnLogin = \false


provider for captcha (-/google/hCaptcha/friendlyCaptcha)

public mixed $captchaProvider = '-'


disallow user to change language

public mixed $enforceLanguage = \false


input fields Format: array( <br> array(array('name' => <group name 1>, 'fields' => array(<field1>, <field2>))), <br> array(array('name' => <group name 2>, 'fields' => array(<field3>, <field4>))) <br> )

public mixed $inputFields


language for self service

public mixed $language = 'en_GB.utf8'


LDAP password

public mixed $LDAPPassword = ""


LDAP suffix

public mixed $LDAPSuffix = "dc=my-domain,dc=com"


describing text for search attribute

public mixed $loginAttributeText


describing text for user login

public mixed $loginCaption


describing text for user login

public mixed $loginFooter


public string|null $loginHandler = \SelfServiceUserPasswordLoginHandler::ID

login handler ID


describing text for self service main page

public mixed $mainPageFooter


describing text for self service main page

public mixed $mainPageText


configuration settings of modules

public mixed $moduleSettings = []


header for self service pages

public mixed $pageHeader = '<p><a href="https://www.ldap-account-manager.org/" target="new_window"><img alt="help" class="align-middle" src="../../graphics/logo24.png" style="height:24px; width:24px" /> LDAP Account Manager </a></p><p>&nbsp;</p>'


label for password input

public mixed $passwordLabel = ''


List of fields that are set in read-only mode.

public mixed $readOnlyFields = []


Google reCAPTCHA secret key

public mixed $reCaptchaSecretKey = ''


Google reCAPTCHA site key

public mixed $reCaptchaSiteKey = ''


List of override values for field labels: array(<field ID> => label)

public mixed $relabelFields = []


Path to external lamdaemon script on server where it is executed

public mixed $scriptPath

This is used for managing quota and home directories. optional setting, may not be defined


The rights for the home directory

public mixed $scriptRights = '750'


Servers where lamdaemon script is executed

public mixed $scriptServer

This is used for managing quota and home directories. optional setting, may not be defined


File name of SSH key for lamdaemon.

public mixed $scriptSSHKey


Password for lamdaemon SSH key.

public mixed $scriptSSHKeyPassword


user name for lamdaemon

public mixed $scriptUserName


LDAP search attribute

public mixed $searchAttribute = "uid"


server address

public mixed $serverURL = "localhost"


public mixed $twoFactorAllowToRememberDevice = 'false'


public mixed $twoFactorAuthentication = \LAM\LIB\TWO_FACTOR\TwoFactorProviderService::TWO_FACTOR_NONE


public mixed $twoFactorAuthenticationAttribute = 'uid'


public mixed $twoFactorAuthenticationCaption = ''


public mixed $twoFactorAuthenticationClientId = ''


public mixed $twoFactorAuthenticationDomain = ''


public mixed $twoFactorAuthenticationInsecure = \false


public mixed $twoFactorAuthenticationLabel


public mixed $twoFactorAuthenticationOptional = \false


public mixed $twoFactorAuthenticationSecretKey = ''


public mixed $twoFactorAuthenticationURL = 'https://localhost'


public mixed $twoFactorRememberDeviceDuration = '28800'


public mixed $twoFactorRememberDevicePassword = ''


use bind user also for read/modify operations

public mixed $useForAllOperations = \false




public __construct() : mixed
Return values


Returns a representation of the self service profile.

public export() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

self service profile data


Returns the server's base URL (e.g. https://www.example.com).

public getBaseUrl() : string
Return values



Converts the export data back to a self service profile.

public static import(array<string|int, mixed> $data) : selfServiceProfile
$data : array<string|int, mixed>

export data

Return values



Sets the server's base URL (e.g. https://www.example.com).

public setBaseUrl(string $url) : mixed
$url : string


Return values

Search results