LDAP Account Manager

in package

A simple class for representing AttributeTypes used only by the ObjectClass class.

Users should never instantiate this class. It represents an attribute internal to an ObjectClass. If PHP supported inner-classes and variable permissions, this would be interior to class ObjectClass and flagged private. The reason this class is used and not the "real" class AttributeType is because this class supports the notion of a "source" objectClass, meaning that it keeps track of which objectClass originally specified it. This class is therefore used by the class ObjectClass to determine inheritance.

Table of Contents

$name  : mixed
This Attribute's name
$source  : mixed
This Attribute's root
__construct()  : mixed
Creates a new ObjectClassAttribute with specified name and source objectClass.
getName()  : mixed
Gets this attribute's name
getSource()  : mixed
Gets the name of the ObjectClass which originally specified this attribute.



This Attribute's name

public mixed $name


This Attribute's root

public mixed $source



Creates a new ObjectClassAttribute with specified name and source objectClass.

public __construct(string $name, string $source) : mixed
$name : string

the name of the new attribute.

$source : string

the name of the ObjectClass which specifies this attribute.

Return values


Gets this attribute's name

public getName() : mixed
Return values


Gets the name of the ObjectClass which originally specified this attribute.

public getSource() : mixed
Return values

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