Schema update

The schema files are located in:

Schema versions:

  1. Initial version (LAM Pro 3.6 - 4.4)

  2. Added passwordSelfResetBackupMail (LAM Pro 4.5 - 5.5)

  3. Multiple security questions (LAM Pro 5.6)

OpenLDAP with slapd.conf configuration

Install the schema file like a new install (skip modification of slapd.conf file).

OpenLDAP with slapd.d configuration

The upgrade requires to stop the LDAP server.


  1. Stop OpenLDAP with e.g. "/etc/init.d/slapd stop"

  2. Delete the old schema file. It is located in e.g. "/etc/ldap/slapd.d/cn=config/cn=schema" and called "cn={XX}passwordselfreset.ldif" (XX can be any number)

  3. Start OpenLDAP with e.g. "/etc/init.d/slapd start"

  4. Install the schema file like a new install

Samba 4

Install the these update files by following the install instructions in the file. In case you you upgrade with a version difference of 2 or more you will need to apply all intermediate update scripts.

Please note that attributes file needs to be installed first.


Install the file(s) by following the install instructions in the file. In case you you upgrade with a version difference of 2 or more you will need to apply all intermediate update scripts.